Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

Download and Save Google Earh Images using ELshayal Smart GIS

Download and Save Google Earh Images using ELshayal Smart GIS

Start on question, how to download images from Google Earth and how to rectify?

Then we can found in ELshayal; there is a FREE version 4.35 New Features.

1. Download and save Google Earth Images as rectified images with world file format .jgw
2. Save the output layout images as rectified Images.
3. Open and Convert NASA (ASTER & SRTM) DEM to Tin shape file

The Last version is available for free at
http://download. cnet.com/ Elshayal- Smart-GIS- Map-Editor/ 3000-18496_ 4-10922171. html

Great and Salute for Mohamed Elshayal
Elshayal Smart GIS Map Editor
